19 Jul 2024 Grease Trap

If you are in the food business, the law requires you to install a grease interceptor to, as the name suggests, intercept the fats, oils, and greases from the kitchen, so that they do not find their way into the sewerage system. However, installing this FOG tank is just the beginning. Thereafter, you will need to engage the services of a good grease trap cleaning service. This service ensures the timely emptying, cleaning and maintenance of this vital component of your business.

Working with a professional company will take the load off your burden, so that you can concentrate on your business.

How about you let them do the dirty job while you grow your business? But first, you need to see how professional FOG tank cleaning services can help your business.

1. Preventing clogs and backups

Grease, oil, and food scraps are a constant byproduct of any busy kitchen. If you leave them unchecked, these materials can solidify and accumulate inside your grease trap.

This eventually leads to a complete blockage.

Now, a clogged grease trap not only hinders the proper functioning of your drainage system, but it also poses serious health and safety risks.

When sewage backs up, it can overflow onto floors, allow harmful bacteria to thrive, and generate a foul odor that can keep customers away.

The cost of repairing a clogged or overflowing grease trap pales is low. However, the damage that it can cause to your kitchen equipment, reputation, and even regulatory compliance can be overwhelming.

2. Minimizing environmental impact

The most important thing to remember is that customers will frequent businesses that share the same values as them.

And today, people really care about the environment. Therefore, you must ensure that you are compliant, if you want to get them to buy from you.

A functioning grease tank is one of the ways of lowering the impact of your business on the environment.

Grease traps are designed to intercept fats, oils, and grease (FOG) before they enter the municipal sewer system.

When these substances are allowed to get to the wastewater treatment plant, they disrupt the biological processes essential for water purification.

Grease traps that are overflowing with FOG can contribute to environmental pollution, and you could also face hefty fines from regulatory agencies.

Professional grease trap cleaning ensures the proper disposal of collected waste. This minimizes your environmental impact and keeping you compliant with local regulations.

They will pump the grease away into a special holding tank, and then they will dispose of it properly. Very little (if any), of this old grease finds its way into the landfills.

3. It prolongs the life of your grease trap

When grease builds up in the trap, it generates sulfuric acid and gases that can create a corrosive environment. These can damage vital components of your kitchen equipment.

A clogged trap can also cause backups that put undue stress on your plumbing system, and if this goes wrong, it can cost you a lot of money to repair.

Regular cleaning keeps your grease trap functioning optimally, preventing wear and tear on your kitchen equipment and extending their lifespan.

This translates to significant savings in the long run compared to costly repairs or premature replacement of different parts.

Remember, during the emptying and cleaning time, the FOG trap technicians will look at every part of the trap. If there is any damage, they can repair it before it escalates.

4. Enhances efficiency in the kitchen

It takes quite a lot to have a professional kitchen running efficiently all the time. A kitchen has many departments, and each must run smoothly all the time.

Out of the many devices in a business kitchen, the grease tank requires special attention. If it is neglected, it can bring an invasion of bacteria, bad smells, and disease outbreaks. It can also pose a serious fire risk.

A well-maintained grease interceptor ensures the smooth and efficient operation of your kitchen. Clogged traps can create slow drains, which would lead to delays in food preparation and washing dishes.

This can also disrupt your workflow, affecting the service times and customer satisfaction.

Investing in professional grease trap cleaning services ensures your kitchen runs smoothly, allowing your staff to focus on delivering exceptional service to your customers.

5. It can save your business from fire hazards

Although this is a bit rare, you cannot discount it because grease buildup within the trap creates a flammable mass of FOG that can pose a serious fire risk.

Overheated grease can easily ignite, putting your kitchen and staff at risk. Regular cleaning removes this flammable layer of grease, lowering the risk of grease fire that could consume your business and endanger lives.

It is also good practice to install “No Smoking” signs in the location of the FOG interceptor. You need to reduce the risk of people dropping lit cigarette butts on a full trap. It is also a good idea to keep a fire extinguisher close.

To further reduce the risk of the grease tank catching fire, only let trained personnel get near it for emptying, cleaning and repair. 

Also, do not let the grease accumulate too much in the tank, as that increases the risk of fire. Emptying is recommended when about ¼ of the grease tank is grease.

6. It keeps your business compliant

If you want to save your business and keep it running in 2024 without interruptions, you need to ensure it stays compliant with all the local regulations.

A grease trap is one of the basic requirements for a food business that generates fats, oils, and greases.

That is not all, but the FOG interceptor must also be complemented by a good used cooking oil collection service. That

Most municipalities have strict regulations concerning the management and disposal of FOG waste. Please also note that the regulations on grease traps also give the frequency of the trap cleaning.

The cleaning intervals are calculated depending on the size and volume of your business. If you have a large one, you can clean it once every three months. You also need to keep a proper log of the cleaning jobs so that you can show the health inspectors when they come around.

If you fail to comply with the grease trap regulations, you will be facing hefty fines, business closures, and even criminal charges, especially if people have faced a health scare.

If you are not sure about the local regulations that govern the installation, use and maintenance of grease traps in your area of business, consult with a local FOG interceptor company. They will install a properly sized on, and ensure regular maintenance.

7. It saves your business money

Imagine all the closures you would face in a year if you did not maintain your FOG tank properly!

You could end up losing a good amount of money. Besides, once your customers know that you have been posing a threat to the environment, they will not want to come back.

But cleaning your FOG tank on time saves you from all of this. Also, the technicians ensure any damaged part is replaced before it can affect the others.

This therefore safes you from expensive repairs, or the replacement of the entire device, in the future.

Act today! Get the best

The best grease trap cleaning company is a few clicks away. You can call us for all of your grease tank installation, cleaning and maintenance needs. We ensure compliance with the regulations, and your customers never get to see the dirty ol’ grease from your kitchens.

Call us for consultation today.